Peter Inman reads like a combination of Morton Feldmans. No 1 any is of it. It doesn't seem right, somehow, to mention other poets relative to Peter, of course there are 'relevant' comparisons-- but the experience of an Inman reading isn't, for me, analogous in that manner. There's a different kind of tuning in involved- a music. But a music of linguistic specificity, that context-rubbing politic a strung word can only offer. Peter seemed very relaxed and concentrated, intent. He began with a piece 'on beauty' and finished with a piece dedicated to Beckett. In the middle much recent work some of which will be published by Cathy Eisenhower's press Interrupting Cow. Details as they emerge. A recent reading of Peter's at Penn Sound.

I left work at 3 o'clock in time to pull up at Clayton & Co at 4:35. Doug was out front smoking. We missed his reading. Damnit. He read from a sonnet sequence some of which I've heard but I always always always want to hear this poet so was bummed. Here's a piece of Doug's at McSweeney's.
dada L=A=N=G
before U=A=G=E
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